The Dangers of using Spending as a Reward

3 min read

“Treat Yourself.” It’s a very common phrase these days. And it can mean a variety of things. Either you should indulge because everything’s been going very badly and you deserve something positive in your life. Or, and this is the most used version: you should reward yourself because things have been going very well indeed. That new pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing up, but secretly find way too expensive. Well, you had an excellent week at work. Closed two deals, had a very satisfied client and even attracted several new clients (I don’t know man, I’m an academic, can…...

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Merle van den Akker Merle van den Akker is a PhD student in Behavioural Science, at the Warwick Business School. She studies the effect different payment methods, especially contactless and mobile methods, have on how e manage our personal finances. In her "free" time she writes articles on personal finance, behavioural science, behavioural finance and life as a PhD student, these are all published on Money on the Mind. With DDI, she writes on personal and behavioural finance, to ensure that knowledge from academia trickles into the mainsteam, and can help as many people as possible!

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